tokitora's blog and writings

hope you're doing well, because I could be doing a bit better (on the rereleases and skyshower)

School for me has been quite the wild ride, even though I only have two commitments total. Haven't gotten to meet any of my friends that I made last semester, haven't felt like I'm doing enough if I'm being honest. I have a busy end of week coming up ahead and I don't know if I can take all of it.

(But I'm doing it anyway, since it's all stuff I have to do for school, medical appointments, friends I haven't seen in a while, etc. )

I quietly re-released some old songs from 2022 that I deleted. They seem to have a bit of a cult following, and they were my most viewed songs on my channel at the time of their deletion. I had this idea that I could only be a one-dimensional artist, an idea that I could only be a producer, or an artist, or what have you.

I quietly released a new song onto the main channel that I teased earlier, "SKYSHOWER".

that song is based on a couple of events slightly before I went into the hospital for mental reasons. It's a bit emo/angsty, but that's an emotion that I don't really feel that often unless I reflect back on some key memories that I would not like to share the specifics of.

I hope you enjoy my music, that it brings you happiness. Because it makes me happy to make it. And if you read the blog, thank you as well.

The next song I recorded will be released on my birthday, 9/11/24. It's name is monogatari.