tokitora's blog and writings

the reason i keep a pocket notebook

Now, I haven't really thought hard about this in a while, so I thought I would write about it in case anyone noticed this about me and was wondering about it. I keep a little notebook in my left pocket and use it for many things. Here are the things that I can think of off the top of my head:

1. To keep track of things I need to do

I use a bullet journaling system to organize things I need to do, and that's what I've been doing recently, but I'm thinking of becoming more free with how I use the notebook again. But the paper to-do list is essential for me, and there are studies that support me in my claim that they help me remember what I have to do (Though I still forget sometimes).

2. As a catch-all for things I consume

If you say something funny and I want to remember it, I'll probably write it down. If there's something interesting from something I've read or watched that I want to remember, I'll do the same. I've had the most fun with my pocket notebooks doing this, and I love flipping back through them and reading band names I come up with, or quotes from what I was reading at the time. It's interesting to see where my head was at in April 2023, or whatever time I want to check out again!

3. As a scratchpad

This one is self explanatory. If I need to rip off a page and give it to someone, this is where this one comes in.

4. a catch-all for my own ideas

I write little ideas for songs, poems, and general things of this nature. I suck at poetry, though!

Honorable mention

Oh, and beat titles. I never can have too many of those!

I assume no one reads these so if you did, thanks :3